About Us

Now a days Admissionwar is the most active and reliable information source for students from Bangladesh education perspective. Read the whole page to get clearer concept about admissionwar.

Our Dedicated Team

Ezaz Nahid TopuEzaz Nahid Tapu
Founder & CEO

Mahfuz Maruf

Mahfuz Maruf

Mahfuz Maruf

Rahul Korim
Web Content Manager


Riazul Islam Ashik
Social Media Manager

And many more+

What is Admissionwar?

Think about the name Admissionwar. The name gives you the concept of the competition of university admission test in Bangladesh. Literally this is a war. Not a war with guns and soldier this is a war of intelligence ,war of  students to prove themselves the best candidate to get admit in Public University. The admissionwar is a very useful tool to get all updates about university admission. Not only university admission but also all education sector of Bangladesh.It is an internet based service to provide all education sector’s information of Bangladesh.

Admissionwar for whom?

Students are very busy and anxious about their study in their hard time like university admission test.They need a system which provides information without any effort and the system must will be time effective. Yes admission war is such type of information service that provides updated informations to the students in a time optimized way. Students will get the latest update about their education with only one click.

They can save their time by rejecting google search or checking a long list of university admission website. If they installed admissionwar android app they can get their desired information by opening the app. They can also search their information what they need to know on the app. The app will absolutely return what they need.

Content of Admissionwar

Admissionwar mainly works with educational information it also works with information of competitive job exam like BCS , Bank Job Examinations , NTRCA , Bangladesh Army , Bangladesh Air Force , Bangladesh Navy. It Includes mostly all education Sector of Bangladesh the list is given bellow.

Educational Information Sector including result,circular etc

  1. University Admission
  2. National University
  3. Nursing
  4. Mats
  5. Polytechnique
  6. HSC
  7. SSC
  8. JSC
  9. PSC
  10. Diploma
  11. Bangladesh Open University
  12. etc.

Job information sector including circular, result  etc

  1. Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS)
  2. Bank Job
  3. Bangladesh Army
  4. Bangladesh Airforce
  5. Bangladesh Navy
  6. NTRCA
  7. Primary School Teachers Registration Exam
  8. Etc.

Our Vision

Bangladesh become digitalized rapidly. With this rapid growth of technology the information sources are rapidly borned here and there with the commercial intension , But the dependable information sources are very rare. But in the education sector dependable and authenticate news or information is crying need to the student. Thus why admissionwar is developed. 

Providing dependable and authenticate news in education and job sector in digital way is our vision to Develop a digital Bangladesh. When informations are digital it spread person to person easily then the people awareness will increase initiatively.

Our mission

Now a days people can get their education information and most competitive job information of Bangladesh. But our mission is to develop such type of system that can provide all needed information of Job, Education and Aboard Education in aboard. 

To accomplish this mission currently we are researching on the scholarship of world first class universities where the people of Bangladesh are willing to go to acquire theire higher degree and educate themselves in higher study. 

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