HSC Seen Comprehension (Eco-tourism ,Unit-11, Lesson-3)
Eco-tourism (Unit-11, Lesson-3) HSC seen comprehension for hsc and alim class. HSC English 1st paper passage – Eco-tourism with summary, mcq, word by word bangla meaning, rearrange, flow chart and question and answer has published in our website. If you are interested to get all information about এইচ এস সি ইংরেজী ১ম পত্র Eco-tourism প্যাসেজ, HSC and Alim English 1st Paper Seen passage this post just for you.
HSC English 1st paper passage – Eco-tourism
Ecotourism is broadly defined as low impact travel to endangered and often undisturbed locations. It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveller to become educated about the areas- both in terms of the physical landscape and cultural characteristics. It often provides funds for conservation and benefits the economic development of places that are often impoverished.

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