HSC Seen Passage (Adolescence and some Problems in Bangladesh ,Unit-6 Lesson-2)
Adolescence and some Problems in Bangladesh ,Unit-6 Lesson-2 HSC seen comprehension for hsc and alim class. HSC English 1st paper passage – Adolescence and some Problems in Bangladesh, Unit-6, Lesson-2 ) with summary, mcq, word by word bangla meaning, rearrange, flow chart and question and answer has published in our website. If you are interested to get all information about এইচ এস সি ইংরেজী ১ম পত্র Adolescence and some Problems in Bangladesh প্যাসেজ, HSC and Alim English 1st Paper Seen passage this post just for you.
HSC Seen Passage (Adolescence and some Problems in Bangladesh ,Unit-6 Lesson-2)
Adolescents constitute a nation’s core resource for national renewal and growth. Adolescence is a period in life when transition from childhood to adulthood takes place and behaviours and life styles are shaped. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), adolescence is the period which shapes the future of girls’ and boys’ lives. There are 28 million adolescents in Bangladesh; 13.7 million of them are girls and 14.3 million boys. The situation of adolescent girls in Bangladesh is characterised by inequality and subordination within the family and society. This inequality leads to widespread practice of child marriage, marginalisation or exclusion from health, education and economic opportunities, and vulnerability to violence and sexual abuse. In Bangladesh, the legal age of marriage is 18 for girls and 21 for boys.

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